µTorrent Pack (Repack & Portable)

µTorrent Pack (Repack & Portable)  is a popular client of peer-to-peer p2p networks (BitTorrent protocol), which, thanks to its functionality and small size, is deservedly the leader among programs in this category.

The advantages of µTorrent include multi-threaded file downloading, bandwidth distribution, setting download/distribution limits, remote control via a web interface, and new features include useful functions such as video streaming (preview of downloaded material) and a rating and commenting system for torrents.

Features of  the µTorrent Pack repack:

  1. Selection during installation of the program version: / / / * / /
  2. Combined in one distribution, installation or unpacking of a portable (from the developer) version
  3. Optional use of classic DHT patch [“Enable DHT”/”Peer Exchange”/”Local Peer Discovery”] (file sharing without tracker) *
  4. Interface language English/Russian (alternative Russification from Kuzmich) for 1.x and 2.x versions or multilingual for 3.x versions (with installation of supplemented alternative Russian localization from m0nkrus on Russian-speaking systems)
  5. Blocked creation of apps, share and freeplayer folders (for versions 2.21 and 3.x)
  6. For versions 3.x, the update server is blocked due to the “garbage” that gets into the program through it
  7. For installation, lowering the priority of access to RAM is enabled (for the portable version, PagePriority1.reg is added)
  8. For installation, an additional shortcut has been added to Start to launch a second copy of the client while it is already running (uTorrentMultiple.bat for portable)
  9. Optional ability to add uTorrent to Windows Firewall exceptions
  10. Optional ability to install Glyfz 2016 skin (for all versions and its mod with dark background for and 3.x) and icon-mod (for 1.x and 2.x)
  11. Optional ability to install a geolocation library (peers) and flags to determine the peer country
  12. Optional ability to install a filter for IP addresses of Russian government agencies (2017) + ability to pick up and automatically copy to the folder with the user ipfilter.dat program
  13. Optional ability to install a selection of additional icons for the tray, the main program window and supported file types
  14. Selecting a program icon in the tray during installation (4 options)
  15. Added vbs script for setting your own boot completion sound (for versions 2.2.1 and 3.x)
  16. Optional ability (choice during installation) to save existing uTorrent settings or replace settings with basic ones from the repack.
  17. The ability to pick up and auto-copy user program files:    
         settings.dat – program settings
         utorrent.lng – language file
         rss.dat – RSS feed settings
         current.btskin – program skin
         tray.ico – program icon in the tray
         main.ico – program icon in the main window
         maindoc.ico – torrent file icon

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